RangFraa in the Past :
Rangfraa has no beginning nor ending if we see it in a real sense. The world is a relative area where everything that you perceive needs a definition, an understandable explanation.
Rangfraa as i know was a belief system that our father and forefathers believed in and worshipped in the animist way of praying. When one day, back in resident practising days at NEIGHRIMS, Professor of department of Urology in which i was working, asked me in a enquiring mood that which religion do i belong?
I was taken aback but with firm conviction and without any hesitation i spoke out that i follow Rangfraism. again the question was asked, what religion is that? Is it Hindu? or Buddhism? I had to deny either of my Professor’s assumption and insisted it to be Rangfraism, an age old tradition religion that we have been following since the forefather’s times, in a general term, animism specifically whichmeans worship of nature in different ways.
He reiterated that he thought it to be Buddhism. He assumed it by the way i behaved , talked and handled situations in work set up. Cool, calm and composed was often my approach towards any type of tense situation either in ward or casuality or Operation theatre, which was a 180 degree counter behaviour to the aggressive and intimidating stance of our Professor. At the peak of his anger he would finish his last sentences on me after having scolded all coolness that is left in any of the colleagues around him. And my reply would always end in cool composer not only clicking the right answers many a times but maintaining the composer even when the answer was not right. This behaviour often took him by a lightning strike to his intellect that who is this guy or what is the meaning of such attitude of cool attitude in a tense environment.
For the coming 6 to 7 months were a huge struggle to cope with my boss with the same composer but in the 8th – 9th month or so there started some behavioural change in the professor and that he started liking the attitude and he too started inculcating the coolness for the good , for fighting all the odds and tense negative situation which was a routine in any of amedical colleges around whole of India.
How the year 2014 passed was just a series of dream like moments passing away so smooth without break. i meditated on the weather and coldness of Shillong to harness what this part of our country has to offer me spiritually.
it was more working and less of talking. It was more of practsing rather than preaching. My beliefs my teachings were on the practical mode. Every day the minute or hour the thoughts and ideology was being practised that was seen through behaviour.
My presence in particular area of India must bring the changes that era or place seeks to bring outthe best version of it. Such was my prayer and intention. Practically i could feel and witness the human conciousness changes after a year.
We need to get over and come out of the frustrating and suffocating ideas of narrowness and weakness. Such narrow mindedness to be replaced by strong humanitarian thoughts, such was my conviction of my belief in life.